Top-level package for Netatmo GeoPy.





Source code in netatmo_geopy/
class NetatmoConnect(object):

    _session = None
    _token = None

    def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, username, password, *args, **kwargs):
        super(NetatmoConnect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.client_secret = client_secret
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.scope = "read_station"

    def token_updater(self, token):
        """Token updater."""
        self._token = token

    def session(self):
        if self._session is None:
            self._session = RefreshOAuth2Session(
                    client_id=self.client_id, scope=self.scope
                    "token_url": settings.OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL,
                    "client_id": self.client_id,
                    "client_secret": self.client_secret,
                    "username": self.username,
                    "password": self.password,
        return self._session

    def token(self):
        if self._token is None:
            self._token = RefreshOAuth2Session(
                    client_id=self.client_id, scope=self.scope
        return self._token

session property readonly


token property readonly


token_updater(self, token)

Token updater.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def token_updater(self, token):
    """Token updater."""
    self._token = token

RefreshOAuth2Session (OAuth2Session)


Source code in netatmo_geopy/
class RefreshOAuth2Session(requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session):

    # see
    def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return super().request(*args, **kwargs)
        except oauth2.TokenExpiredError:
            self.token = self.fetch_token(**self.auto_refresh_kwargs)
            return super().request(*args, **kwargs)

request(self, *args, **kwargs)

Intercept all requests and add the OAuth 2 token if present.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super().request(*args, **kwargs)
    except oauth2.TokenExpiredError:
        self.token = self.fetch_token(**self.auto_refresh_kwargs)
        return super().request(*args, **kwargs)


Console script for netatmo_geopy.


Show CLI help.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def help():
    """Show CLI help."""
    print("=" * len("netatmo_geopy"))
    print("Pythonic package to access Netatmo CWS data")



Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def main():
    fire.Fire({"help": help})


Main module.



Source code in netatmo_geopy/
class CWSDataset(object):

    def __init__(
        Initialize a CWS dataset from recorded snapshot files.

        ts_gdf_filepath : str, path or file-like object, optional
            Path to the input time series geo-data frame file, passed to
        snapshot_filepaths : list-like of str, path or file-like objects, optional
            List of paths to the input snapshot recording files, passed to
            `geopandas.read_file`. Ignored if `ts_gdf_filepath` is provided.
        snapshot_data_dir : str or pathlib.Path object
            Path to the directory where the snapshot recording files are located.
            Ignored if `snapshot_filepaths` is provided.
        snapshot_file_ext : str, optional
            File extension of the snapshot recording, used to obtain the list of input
            files in `snapshot_data_dir`. If None, the value from
            `settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT` is used. Ignored if `snapshot_filepaths` is
        super(CWSDataset, self).__init__()

        if ts_gdf_filepath is None:
            if snapshot_filepaths is None:
                if snapshot_file_ext is None:
                    snapshot_file_ext = settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT
                snapshot_filepaths = glob.glob(
                    path.join(snapshot_data_dir, f"*.{snapshot_file_ext}")
            # self.snapshot_filepaths = snapshot_filepaths

            ts_gdf = _join_snapshot_gdfs(snapshot_filepaths)
            ts_gdf = gpd.read_file(ts_gdf_filepath).set_index("station_id")
        self.ts_gdf = ts_gdf

    def get_mislocated_stations(self):
        Get mislocated stations.

        When multiple stations share the same location, it is likely due to an incorrect
        set up that led to automatic location assignment based on the IP address of the
        wireless network.

        mislocated_stations : `pandas.Series`
            Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is mislocated (indicated
            by a value of `True`).
        # ACHTUNG: this approach to dropping geometry duplicates only works for point
        # geometries - see
        return (
            self.ts_gdf["geometry"].apply(lambda geom: geom.wkb).duplicated(keep=False)

    def get_outlier_stations(
        self, *, low_alpha=None, high_alpha=None, station_outlier_threshold=None
        Get outlier stations.

        Measurements can show suspicious deviations from a normal distribution (based on
        a modified z-score using robust Qn variance estimators). Stations with high
        proportion of such measurements can be related to radiative errors in non-shaded
        areas or other measurement errors.

        low_alpha, high_alpha : numeric, optional
            Values for the lower and upper tail respectively (in proportion from 0 to 1)
            that lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis (i.e., the corresponding
            measurement does not follow a normal distribution can be considered an
            outlier). If None, the respective values from `settings.OUTLIER_LOW_ALPHA`
            and `settings.OUTLIER_HIGH_ALPHA` are used.
        station_outlier_threshold : numeric, optonal
            Maximum proportion (from 0 to 1) of outlier measurements after which the
            respective station may be flagged as faulty. If None, the value from
            `settings.STATION_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD` is used.

        outlier_stations : `pandas.Series`
            Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is considered an outlier
            (indicated by a value of `True`).

        def z_score(x):
            return (x - x.median()) / scale.qn_scale(x.dropna())

        if low_alpha is None:
            low_alpha = settings.OUTLIER_LOW_ALPHA
        if high_alpha is None:
            high_alpha = settings.OUTLIER_HIGH_ALPHA
        if station_outlier_threshold is None:
            station_outlier_threshold = settings.STATION_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD
        ts_df = pd.DataFrame(self.ts_gdf.drop("geometry", axis=1).T)
        nonnan_df = ~ts_df.isna()
        low_z = norm.ppf(low_alpha)
        high_z = norm.ppf(high_alpha)
        outlier_df = (
            ~ts_df.apply(z_score, axis=1).apply(
                lambda z: z.between(low_z, high_z, inclusive="neither"), axis=1
            & nonnan_df
        prop_outlier_ser = outlier_df.sum() / nonnan_df.sum()

        return prop_outlier_ser > station_outlier_threshold

    def get_indoor_stations(self, *, station_indoor_corr_threshold=None):
        Get indoor stations.

        Stations whose time series of measurements show low correlations with the
        spatial median time series are likely set up indoors.

        station_indoor_corr_threshold : numeric, optonal
            Stations showing Pearson correlations (with the overall station median
            distribution) lower than this threshold are likely set up indoors. If None,
            the value from `settings.STATION_INDOOR_CORR_THRESHOLD` is used.

        indoor_stations : `pandas.Series`
            Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is likely set up indoors
            (indicated by a value of `True`).
        if station_indoor_corr_threshold is None:
            station_indoor_corr_threshold = settings.STATION_INDOOR_CORR_THRESHOLD
        ts_df = self.ts_gdf.drop("geometry", axis=1)
        median_ser = ts_df.median()
        corr_ser = ts_df.apply(
            lambda station_ser: station_ser.corr(median_ser),

        return corr_ser < station_indoor_corr_threshold

__init__(self, *, ts_gdf_filepath=None, snapshot_filepaths=None, snapshot_data_dir=None, snapshot_file_ext=None) special

Initialize a CWS dataset from recorded snapshot files.


ts_gdf_filepath : str, path or file-like object, optional Path to the input time series geo-data frame file, passed to geopandas.read_file. snapshot_filepaths : list-like of str, path or file-like objects, optional List of paths to the input snapshot recording files, passed to geopandas.read_file. Ignored if ts_gdf_filepath is provided. snapshot_data_dir : str or pathlib.Path object Path to the directory where the snapshot recording files are located. Ignored if snapshot_filepaths is provided. snapshot_file_ext : str, optional File extension of the snapshot recording, used to obtain the list of input files in snapshot_data_dir. If None, the value from settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT is used. Ignored if snapshot_filepaths is provided.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def __init__(
    Initialize a CWS dataset from recorded snapshot files.

    ts_gdf_filepath : str, path or file-like object, optional
        Path to the input time series geo-data frame file, passed to
    snapshot_filepaths : list-like of str, path or file-like objects, optional
        List of paths to the input snapshot recording files, passed to
        `geopandas.read_file`. Ignored if `ts_gdf_filepath` is provided.
    snapshot_data_dir : str or pathlib.Path object
        Path to the directory where the snapshot recording files are located.
        Ignored if `snapshot_filepaths` is provided.
    snapshot_file_ext : str, optional
        File extension of the snapshot recording, used to obtain the list of input
        files in `snapshot_data_dir`. If None, the value from
        `settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT` is used. Ignored if `snapshot_filepaths` is
    super(CWSDataset, self).__init__()

    if ts_gdf_filepath is None:
        if snapshot_filepaths is None:
            if snapshot_file_ext is None:
                snapshot_file_ext = settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT
            snapshot_filepaths = glob.glob(
                path.join(snapshot_data_dir, f"*.{snapshot_file_ext}")
        # self.snapshot_filepaths = snapshot_filepaths

        ts_gdf = _join_snapshot_gdfs(snapshot_filepaths)
        ts_gdf = gpd.read_file(ts_gdf_filepath).set_index("station_id")
    self.ts_gdf = ts_gdf

get_indoor_stations(self, *, station_indoor_corr_threshold=None)

Get indoor stations.

Stations whose time series of measurements show low correlations with the spatial median time series are likely set up indoors.


station_indoor_corr_threshold : numeric, optonal Stations showing Pearson correlations (with the overall station median distribution) lower than this threshold are likely set up indoors. If None, the value from settings.STATION_INDOOR_CORR_THRESHOLD is used.


indoor_stations : pandas.Series Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is likely set up indoors (indicated by a value of True).

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def get_indoor_stations(self, *, station_indoor_corr_threshold=None):
    Get indoor stations.

    Stations whose time series of measurements show low correlations with the
    spatial median time series are likely set up indoors.

    station_indoor_corr_threshold : numeric, optonal
        Stations showing Pearson correlations (with the overall station median
        distribution) lower than this threshold are likely set up indoors. If None,
        the value from `settings.STATION_INDOOR_CORR_THRESHOLD` is used.

    indoor_stations : `pandas.Series`
        Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is likely set up indoors
        (indicated by a value of `True`).
    if station_indoor_corr_threshold is None:
        station_indoor_corr_threshold = settings.STATION_INDOOR_CORR_THRESHOLD
    ts_df = self.ts_gdf.drop("geometry", axis=1)
    median_ser = ts_df.median()
    corr_ser = ts_df.apply(
        lambda station_ser: station_ser.corr(median_ser),

    return corr_ser < station_indoor_corr_threshold


Get mislocated stations.

When multiple stations share the same location, it is likely due to an incorrect set up that led to automatic location assignment based on the IP address of the wireless network.


mislocated_stations : pandas.Series Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is mislocated (indicated by a value of True).

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def get_mislocated_stations(self):
    Get mislocated stations.

    When multiple stations share the same location, it is likely due to an incorrect
    set up that led to automatic location assignment based on the IP address of the
    wireless network.

    mislocated_stations : `pandas.Series`
        Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is mislocated (indicated
        by a value of `True`).
    # ACHTUNG: this approach to dropping geometry duplicates only works for point
    # geometries - see
    return (
        self.ts_gdf["geometry"].apply(lambda geom: geom.wkb).duplicated(keep=False)

get_outlier_stations(self, *, low_alpha=None, high_alpha=None, station_outlier_threshold=None)

Get outlier stations.

Measurements can show suspicious deviations from a normal distribution (based on a modified z-score using robust Qn variance estimators). Stations with high proportion of such measurements can be related to radiative errors in non-shaded areas or other measurement errors.


low_alpha, high_alpha : numeric, optional Values for the lower and upper tail respectively (in proportion from 0 to 1) that lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis (i.e., the corresponding measurement does not follow a normal distribution can be considered an outlier). If None, the respective values from settings.OUTLIER_LOW_ALPHA and settings.OUTLIER_HIGH_ALPHA are used. station_outlier_threshold : numeric, optonal Maximum proportion (from 0 to 1) of outlier measurements after which the respective station may be flagged as faulty. If None, the value from settings.STATION_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD is used.


outlier_stations : pandas.Series Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is considered an outlier (indicated by a value of True).

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def get_outlier_stations(
    self, *, low_alpha=None, high_alpha=None, station_outlier_threshold=None
    Get outlier stations.

    Measurements can show suspicious deviations from a normal distribution (based on
    a modified z-score using robust Qn variance estimators). Stations with high
    proportion of such measurements can be related to radiative errors in non-shaded
    areas or other measurement errors.

    low_alpha, high_alpha : numeric, optional
        Values for the lower and upper tail respectively (in proportion from 0 to 1)
        that lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis (i.e., the corresponding
        measurement does not follow a normal distribution can be considered an
        outlier). If None, the respective values from `settings.OUTLIER_LOW_ALPHA`
        and `settings.OUTLIER_HIGH_ALPHA` are used.
    station_outlier_threshold : numeric, optonal
        Maximum proportion (from 0 to 1) of outlier measurements after which the
        respective station may be flagged as faulty. If None, the value from
        `settings.STATION_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD` is used.

    outlier_stations : `pandas.Series`
        Boolean series indicating whether a station (index) is considered an outlier
        (indicated by a value of `True`).

    def z_score(x):
        return (x - x.median()) / scale.qn_scale(x.dropna())

    if low_alpha is None:
        low_alpha = settings.OUTLIER_LOW_ALPHA
    if high_alpha is None:
        high_alpha = settings.OUTLIER_HIGH_ALPHA
    if station_outlier_threshold is None:
        station_outlier_threshold = settings.STATION_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD
    ts_df = pd.DataFrame(self.ts_gdf.drop("geometry", axis=1).T)
    nonnan_df = ~ts_df.isna()
    low_z = norm.ppf(low_alpha)
    high_z = norm.ppf(high_alpha)
    outlier_df = (
        ~ts_df.apply(z_score, axis=1).apply(
            lambda z: z.between(low_z, high_z, inclusive="neither"), axis=1
        & nonnan_df
    prop_outlier_ser = outlier_df.sum() / nonnan_df.sum()

    return prop_outlier_ser > station_outlier_threshold



Source code in netatmo_geopy/
class CWSRecorder(object):

    def __init__(
        Initialize a CWS recorder for a given region.

        lon_sw, lat_sw, lon_ne, lat_ne : numeric
            Latitude/longitude coordinates of the bounds of the region of interest
        dst_dir : str or pathlib.Path object, optional
            Path to the directory where the recorded snapshots are to be dumped. Only
            used when the `dump_snapshot_gdf` method is called, ignored otherwise. If
            None, the value from `settings.RECORDER_DST_DIR`.
        client_id, client_secret, username, password : str, optional
            Authentication credentials for Netatmo. If None, the respective values set
            "NETATMO_PASSWORD" environment variables are used.
        time_unit : str {"second", "seconds", "minute", "minutes", "hour", "hours", \
                    "day", "days", "week", "weeks", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", \
                    "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"}, optional
            Time unit. If None, no snaphots are taken periodically - snapshots are only
            taken by manually calling `get_snapshot_gdf` or `dump_snapshot_gdf`.
        interval : int, optional
            Quantity of the time unit set in `time_unit`, altogether defining the
            interval between snapshots. If None, the default value from the `schedule`
            library, i.e., 1, is used. Ignored if `time_unit` is None.
        at : str, optional
            Time string defining the particular time when snapshots are taken. See also
            Ignored if `time_unit` is None. The following formats are accepted:

            * for daily jobs -> HH:MM:SS or HH:MM
            * for hourly jobs -> MM:SS or :MM
            * for minute jobs -> :SS.
        until : datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta, datetime.time or str, optional
            Latest time (in the future) when a snapshot will be taken. If None, the
            periodic snapshots are taken indefinetly. Ignored if `time_unit` is None.
            The following formats are accepted:

            * datetime.datetime
            * datetime.timedelta
            * datetime.time
            * string in one of the following formats: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
              "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d", "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M" as defined by
              `datetime.strptime` behaviour.
        datetime_format : str, optional
            Datetime format string. Used to name the geo-data frame columns and the
            snapshot file dumps. If None, the value from `settings.DATETIME_FORMAT` is
        snapshot_file_ext : str, optional
            File extension used when dumping recorded snapshot files, which must match
            an OGR vector format driver (see `fiona.supported_drivers`). If None, the
            value from `settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT` is used.
        save_responses : bool, optional
            Whether the JSON responses from the Netatmo public data API calls are
            stored. If None, the value from `settings.SAVE_RESPONSES` is used.
        save_responses_dir : str or pathlib.Path object, optional.
            Path to the directory where the JSON responses are to be stored. If None,
            the value from `settings.SAVE_RESPONSES_DIR` is used. Ignored if
            `save_responses` is False.
        super(CWSRecorder, self).__init__()

        self.lon_sw = lon_sw
        self.lat_sw = lat_sw
        self.lon_ne = lon_ne
        self.lat_ne = lat_ne
        self.dst_dir = dst_dir

        # auth
        self._client_id = client_id
        self._client_secret = client_secret
        self._username = username
        self._password = password

        # IO
        if datetime_format is None:
            datetime_format = settings.DATETIME_FORMAT
        self.datetime_format = datetime_format
        if snapshot_file_ext is None:
            snapshot_file_ext = settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT
        self.snapshot_file_ext = snapshot_file_ext
        if save_responses is None:
            save_responses = settings.SAVE_RESPONSES
        self.save_responses = save_responses
        if save_responses_dir is None:
            save_responses_dir = settings.SAVE_RESPONSES_DIR
        self.save_responses_dir = save_responses_dir

        # schedule
        if time_unit:
            if interval:
                caller = schedule.every(interval)
                caller = schedule.every()
            caller = getattr(caller, time_unit)
            if at:
                caller =
            if until:
                caller = caller.until(until)
            while schedule.get_jobs():

    def get_snapshot_gdf(self):
        """Get current CWS temperature snapshot."""
        response_json = _get_public_data(

        snapshot_gdf = _gdf_from_response_json(response_json, self.datetime_format)

        if self.save_responses:
            dst_response_filepath = path.join(
                self.save_responses_dir, f"{_get_basename(snapshot_gdf)}.json"
            with open(dst_response_filepath, "w") as dst:
                json.dump(response_json, dst)
            utils.log(f"Dumped response to file '{dst_response_filepath}'")

        return snapshot_gdf

    def dump_snapshot_gdf(self):
        """Get current CWS temperature snapshot and dump it to a file."""
        snapshot_gdf = self.get_snapshot_gdf()
        dst_filepath = path.join(
            self.dst_dir, f"{_get_basename(snapshot_gdf)}.{self.snapshot_file_ext}"
        utils.log(f"Dumped snapshot geo-data frame to file '{dst_filepath}'")

__init__(self, lon_sw, lat_sw, lon_ne, lat_ne, *, dst_dir=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, username=None, password=None, time_unit=None, interval=None, at=None, until=None, datetime_format=None, snapshot_file_ext=None, save_responses=None, save_responses_dir=None) special

Initialize a CWS recorder for a given region.


lon_sw, lat_sw, lon_ne, lat_ne : numeric Latitude/longitude coordinates of the bounds of the region of interest dst_dir : str or pathlib.Path object, optional Path to the directory where the recorded snapshots are to be dumped. Only used when the dump_snapshot_gdf method is called, ignored otherwise. If None, the value from settings.RECORDER_DST_DIR. client_id, client_secret, username, password : str, optional Authentication credentials for Netatmo. If None, the respective values set in the "NETATMO_CLIENT_ID", "NETATMO_CLIENT_SECRET", "NETATMO_USERNAME" and "NETATMO_PASSWORD" environment variables are used. time_unit : str {"second", "seconds", "minute", "minutes", "hour", "hours", "day", "days", "week", "weeks", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"}, optional Time unit. If None, no snaphots are taken periodically - snapshots are only taken by manually calling get_snapshot_gdf or dump_snapshot_gdf. interval : int, optional Quantity of the time unit set in time_unit, altogether defining the interval between snapshots. If None, the default value from the schedule library, i.e., 1, is used. Ignored if time_unit is None. at : str, optional Time string defining the particular time when snapshots are taken. See also Ignored if time_unit is None. The following formats are accepted:

* for daily jobs -> HH:MM:SS or HH:MM
* for hourly jobs -> MM:SS or :MM
* for minute jobs -> :SS.

until : datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta, datetime.time or str, optional Latest time (in the future) when a snapshot will be taken. If None, the periodic snapshots are taken indefinetly. Ignored if time_unit is None. The following formats are accepted:

* datetime.datetime
* datetime.timedelta
* datetime.time
* string in one of the following formats: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
  "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d", "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M" as defined by
  `datetime.strptime` behaviour.

datetime_format : str, optional Datetime format string. Used to name the geo-data frame columns and the snapshot file dumps. If None, the value from settings.DATETIME_FORMAT is used. snapshot_file_ext : str, optional File extension used when dumping recorded snapshot files, which must match an OGR vector format driver (see fiona.supported_drivers). If None, the value from settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT is used. save_responses : bool, optional Whether the JSON responses from the Netatmo public data API calls are stored. If None, the value from settings.SAVE_RESPONSES is used. save_responses_dir : str or pathlib.Path object, optional. Path to the directory where the JSON responses are to be stored. If None, the value from settings.SAVE_RESPONSES_DIR is used. Ignored if save_responses is False.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def __init__(
    Initialize a CWS recorder for a given region.

    lon_sw, lat_sw, lon_ne, lat_ne : numeric
        Latitude/longitude coordinates of the bounds of the region of interest
    dst_dir : str or pathlib.Path object, optional
        Path to the directory where the recorded snapshots are to be dumped. Only
        used when the `dump_snapshot_gdf` method is called, ignored otherwise. If
        None, the value from `settings.RECORDER_DST_DIR`.
    client_id, client_secret, username, password : str, optional
        Authentication credentials for Netatmo. If None, the respective values set
        "NETATMO_PASSWORD" environment variables are used.
    time_unit : str {"second", "seconds", "minute", "minutes", "hour", "hours", \
                "day", "days", "week", "weeks", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", \
                "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"}, optional
        Time unit. If None, no snaphots are taken periodically - snapshots are only
        taken by manually calling `get_snapshot_gdf` or `dump_snapshot_gdf`.
    interval : int, optional
        Quantity of the time unit set in `time_unit`, altogether defining the
        interval between snapshots. If None, the default value from the `schedule`
        library, i.e., 1, is used. Ignored if `time_unit` is None.
    at : str, optional
        Time string defining the particular time when snapshots are taken. See also
        Ignored if `time_unit` is None. The following formats are accepted:

        * for daily jobs -> HH:MM:SS or HH:MM
        * for hourly jobs -> MM:SS or :MM
        * for minute jobs -> :SS.
    until : datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta, datetime.time or str, optional
        Latest time (in the future) when a snapshot will be taken. If None, the
        periodic snapshots are taken indefinetly. Ignored if `time_unit` is None.
        The following formats are accepted:

        * datetime.datetime
        * datetime.timedelta
        * datetime.time
        * string in one of the following formats: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
          "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d", "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M" as defined by
          `datetime.strptime` behaviour.
    datetime_format : str, optional
        Datetime format string. Used to name the geo-data frame columns and the
        snapshot file dumps. If None, the value from `settings.DATETIME_FORMAT` is
    snapshot_file_ext : str, optional
        File extension used when dumping recorded snapshot files, which must match
        an OGR vector format driver (see `fiona.supported_drivers`). If None, the
        value from `settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT` is used.
    save_responses : bool, optional
        Whether the JSON responses from the Netatmo public data API calls are
        stored. If None, the value from `settings.SAVE_RESPONSES` is used.
    save_responses_dir : str or pathlib.Path object, optional.
        Path to the directory where the JSON responses are to be stored. If None,
        the value from `settings.SAVE_RESPONSES_DIR` is used. Ignored if
        `save_responses` is False.
    super(CWSRecorder, self).__init__()

    self.lon_sw = lon_sw
    self.lat_sw = lat_sw
    self.lon_ne = lon_ne
    self.lat_ne = lat_ne
    self.dst_dir = dst_dir

    # auth
    self._client_id = client_id
    self._client_secret = client_secret
    self._username = username
    self._password = password

    # IO
    if datetime_format is None:
        datetime_format = settings.DATETIME_FORMAT
    self.datetime_format = datetime_format
    if snapshot_file_ext is None:
        snapshot_file_ext = settings.SNAPSHOT_FILE_EXT
    self.snapshot_file_ext = snapshot_file_ext
    if save_responses is None:
        save_responses = settings.SAVE_RESPONSES
    self.save_responses = save_responses
    if save_responses_dir is None:
        save_responses_dir = settings.SAVE_RESPONSES_DIR
    self.save_responses_dir = save_responses_dir

    # schedule
    if time_unit:
        if interval:
            caller = schedule.every(interval)
            caller = schedule.every()
        caller = getattr(caller, time_unit)
        if at:
            caller =
        if until:
            caller = caller.until(until)
        while schedule.get_jobs():


Get current CWS temperature snapshot and dump it to a file.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def dump_snapshot_gdf(self):
    """Get current CWS temperature snapshot and dump it to a file."""
    snapshot_gdf = self.get_snapshot_gdf()
    dst_filepath = path.join(
        self.dst_dir, f"{_get_basename(snapshot_gdf)}.{self.snapshot_file_ext}"
    utils.log(f"Dumped snapshot geo-data frame to file '{dst_filepath}'")


Get current CWS temperature snapshot.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def get_snapshot_gdf(self):
    """Get current CWS temperature snapshot."""
    response_json = _get_public_data(

    snapshot_gdf = _gdf_from_response_json(response_json, self.datetime_format)

    if self.save_responses:
        dst_response_filepath = path.join(
            self.save_responses_dir, f"{_get_basename(snapshot_gdf)}.json"
        with open(dst_response_filepath, "w") as dst:
            json.dump(response_json, dst)
        utils.log(f"Dumped response to file '{dst_response_filepath}'")

    return snapshot_gdf

plot_snapshot(snapshot_gdf, *, snapshot_column=None, ax=None, cmap=None, legend=None, legend_position=None, legend_size=None, legend_pad=None, title=None, add_basemap=None, attribution=None, subplot_kws=None, plot_kws=None, set_title_kws=None, add_basemap_kws=None, append_axes_kws=None)

Plot a snapshot of station measurements.


snapshot_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Geo-data frame of CWS temperature measurements. snapshot_column : str, optional Column of CWS temperature measurements to plot. If None, the first column (other than geometry) is used. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes instancd, optional Plot in given axis. If None creates a new figure. cmap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap instance, optional Colormap of the plot. If None, the value from settings.PLOT_CMAP is used. legend : bool, optional Whether a legend should be added to the plot. If None, the value from settings.PLOT_LEGEND is used. legend_position : str {"left", "right", "bottom", "top"}, optional Position of the legend axes, passed to mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes. If None, the value from settings.PLOT_LEGEND_POSITION is used. legend_size : numeric or str, optional Size of the legend axes, passed to mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes. If None, the value from settings.PLOT_LEGEND_SIZE is used. legend_pad : numeric or str, optional Padding between the plot and legend axes, passed to mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes. If None, the value from settings.PLOT_LEGEND_PAD is used. title : bool or str, optional Whether a title should be added to the plot. If True, the timestamp of the snapshot (geo-data frame column) is used. It is also possible to pass a string so that it is used as title label (instead of the timestamp). If None, the value from settings.PLOT_TITLE is used. add_basemap : bool, optional Whether a basemap should be added to the plot using contextily.add_basemap. If None, the value from settings.PLOT_ADD_BASEMAP is used. attribution : str or bool, optional Attribution text for the basemap source, added to the bottom of the plot, passed to contextily.add_basemap. If False, no attribution is added. If None, the value from settings.PLOT_ATTRIBUTION is used. subplot_kws, plot_kws, set_title_kws, add_basemap_kws, append_axes_kws : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.subplots, geopandas.GeoDataFrame.plot, matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title, contextily.add_basemap and mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes respectively.


ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes with the plot drawn onto it.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def plot_snapshot(  # noqa: C901
    Plot a snapshot of station measurements.

    snapshot_gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame
        Geo-data frame of CWS temperature measurements.
    snapshot_column : str, optional
        Column of CWS temperature measurements to plot. If None, the first column (other
        than `geometry`) is used.
    ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instancd, optional
        Plot in given axis. If None creates a new figure.
    cmap : str or `matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance, optional
        Colormap of the plot. If None, the value from `settings.PLOT_CMAP` is used.
    legend : bool, optional
        Whether a legend should be added to the plot. If None, the value from
        `settings.PLOT_LEGEND` is used.
    legend_position : str {"left", "right", "bottom", "top"}, optional
        Position of the legend axes, passed to
        `mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes`. If None, the
        value from `settings.PLOT_LEGEND_POSITION` is used.
    legend_size : numeric or str, optional
        Size of the legend axes, passed to
        `mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes`. If None, the
        value from `settings.PLOT_LEGEND_SIZE` is used.
    legend_pad : numeric or str, optional
        Padding between the plot and legend axes, passed to
        `mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes`. If None, the
        value from `settings.PLOT_LEGEND_PAD` is used.
    title : bool or str, optional
        Whether a title should be added to the plot. If True, the timestamp of the
        snapshot (geo-data frame column) is used. It is also possible to pass a string
        so that it is used as title label (instead of the timestamp). If None, the value
        from `settings.PLOT_TITLE` is used.
    add_basemap : bool, optional
        Whether a basemap should be added to the plot using `contextily.add_basemap`. If
        None, the value from `settings.PLOT_ADD_BASEMAP` is used.
    attribution : str or bool, optional
        Attribution text for the basemap source, added to the bottom of the plot, passed
        to `contextily.add_basemap`. If False, no attribution is added. If None, the
        value from `settings.PLOT_ATTRIBUTION` is used.
    subplot_kws, plot_kws, set_title_kws, add_basemap_kws, append_axes_kws : dict, \
        Keyword arguments passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`,
        `geopandas.GeoDataFrame.plot`, `matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title`,
        `contextily.add_basemap` and
        `mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider.AxesDivider.append_axes` respectively.

    ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes`
        Axes with the plot drawn onto it.
    # if no column is provided, we plot the "first" column other than "geometry"
    if snapshot_column is None:
        snapshot_column = snapshot_gdf.columns.drop("geometry")[0]

    # subplots arguments
    if ax is None:
        if subplot_kws is None:
            subplot_kws = {}
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(**subplot_kws)
    # plot arguments
    if plot_kws is None:
        _plot_kws = {}
        _plot_kws = plot_kws.copy()
    # _plot_kws = {key: plot_kws[key] for key in plot_kws}
    if cmap is None:
        cmap = _plot_kws.pop("cmap", settings.PLOT_CMAP)
    if legend is None:
        legend = _plot_kws.pop("legend", settings.PLOT_LEGEND)

    # plot
    if legend:
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        if legend_position is None:
            legend_position = settings.PLOT_LEGEND_POSITION
        if legend_size is None:
            legend_size = settings.PLOT_LEGEND_SIZE
        if append_axes_kws is None:
            _append_axes_kws = {}
            _append_axes_kws = append_axes_kws.copy()
        if legend_pad is None:
            legend_pad = _append_axes_kws.pop("pad", settings.PLOT_LEGEND_PAD)
        _plot_kws["cax"] = divider.append_axes(
            legend_position, legend_size, pad=legend_pad, **_append_axes_kws
        column=snapshot_column, cmap=cmap, ax=ax, legend=legend, **_plot_kws
    if title is None:
        title = settings.PLOT_TITLE
    if title:
        if title is True:
            title_label = snapshot_column
        elif isinstance(title, str):
            title_label = title
        if set_title_kws is None:
            set_title_kws = {}
        ax.set_title(title_label, **set_title_kws)

    # basemap
    if add_basemap is None:
        add_basemap = settings.PLOT_ADD_BASEMAP
    if add_basemap:
        # raise ImportError(
        #     "The contextily package is required for adding basemaps. "
        #     "You can install it using 'conda install -c conda-forge contextily' or "
        #     "'pip install contextily'."
        # )
        # add_basemap arguments
        if add_basemap_kws is None:
            _add_basemap_kws = {}
            _add_basemap_kws = add_basemap_kws.copy()
        # _add_basemap_kws = {key: add_basemap_kws[key] for key in add_basemap_kws}
        if attribution is None:
            attribution = _add_basemap_kws.pop("attribution", settings.PLOT_ATTRIBUTION)
        # add basemap

    return ax




Utils (mostly from osmnx.utils).

log(message, level=None, name=None, filename=None)

Write a message to the logger.

This logs to file and/or prints to the console (terminal), depending on the current configuration of settings.LOG_FILE and settings.LOG_CONSOLE.


message : str The message to log. level : int One of Python's logger.level constants. name : str Name of the logger. filename : str Name of the log file, without file extension.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def log(message, level=None, name=None, filename=None):
    Write a message to the logger.

    This logs to file and/or prints to the console (terminal), depending on
    the current configuration of `settings.LOG_FILE` and `settings.LOG_CONSOLE`.

    message : str
        The message to log.
    level : int
        One of Python's logger.level constants.
    name : str
        Name of the logger.
    filename : str
        Name of the log file, without file extension.
    if level is None:
        level = settings.LOG_LEVEL
    if name is None:
        name = settings.LOG_NAME
    if filename is None:
        filename = settings.LOG_FILENAME

    # if logging to file is turned on
    if settings.LOG_FILE:
        # get the current logger (or create a new one, if none), then log
        # message at requested level
        logger = _get_logger(level=level, name=name, filename=filename)
        if level == lg.DEBUG:
        elif level == lg.INFO:
        elif level == lg.WARNING:
        elif level == lg.ERROR:

    # if logging to console (terminal window) is turned on
    if settings.LOG_CONSOLE:
        # prepend timestamp
        message = f"{ts()} {message}"

        # convert to ascii so it doesn't break windows terminals
        message = (
            unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", str(message))
            .encode("ascii", errors="replace")

        # print explicitly to terminal in case jupyter notebook is the stdout
        if getattr(sys.stdout, "_original_stdstream_copy", None) is not None:
            # redirect captured pipe back to original
            os.dup2(sys.stdout._original_stdstream_copy, sys.__stdout__.fileno())
            sys.stdout._original_stdstream_copy = None
        with redirect_stdout(sys.__stdout__):
            print(message, file=sys.__stdout__, flush=True)

ts(style='datetime', template=None)

Get current timestamp as str.


style : str {"datetime", "date", "time"} Format the timestamp with this built-in template. template : str If not None, format the timestamp with this template instead of one of the built-in styles.


ts : str The string timestamp.

Source code in netatmo_geopy/
def ts(style="datetime", template=None):
    Get current timestamp as str.

    style : str {"datetime", "date", "time"}
        Format the timestamp with this built-in template.
    template : str
        If not None, format the timestamp with this template instead of one of the
        built-in styles.

    ts : str
        The string timestamp.
    if template is None:
        if style == "datetime":
            template = "{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"
        elif style == "date":
            template = "{:%Y-%m-%d}"
        elif style == "time":
            template = "{:%H:%M:%S}"
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError(f'unrecognized timestamp style "{style}"')

    ts = template.format(
    return ts